Psychedelics and The Shadow: The Shadow Side of Psychedelia: Exploring the dark and golden shadow of psychedelia
What is Psychedelics and The Shadow: The Shadow Side of Psychedelia?
Psychedelic substances are thought to expand the mind and foster deep healing and insight. While this may be the case for many, there lies a shadow side to psychedelics. To begin to work with the shadow starts by becoming aware that the shadow exists, but is not something to be pushed away or can be healed in one session. The shadow and its many forms is a guide – to personal and collective wounds as well as to deeper authenticity and wholeness. This is why Psychedelics Today has put together the “Psychedelics and The Shadow” course – to help bring the shadow out of the depths and begin to cast light upon it.
This course includes interviews that explore the various layers of psychedelia and the shadow side to these layers.
This is an at-home self-study course, which means that you can go through the material on your own time. You will receive access to the video lectures for a life-time, so you will be able to go back and re-watch the course material whenever you would like to.

What will you learn
What the Shadow is
How Jung viewed the Shadow
The difference between the Dark and Golden Shadow
Issues of abuse that are reported during psychedelic ceremonies by individuals and organizations
How psychedelics may aid in spiritual bypassing and may inflate the ego rather than dissolve it
The shamanic view of illness and dealing with the Shadow
How capitalism is shaping and fueling the shadow aspects of psychedelics
And much more!

Meet your Facilitators
Ido is a clinically trained psychologist who got his Doctoral from the California Institute of Integral Studies. He practices Relational and Depth/ Jungian-oriented psychotherapy with individuals, couples and groups in San Francisco, with issues ranging from early childhood trauma to dream work and psychospiritual
Kyle earned his M.S. in clinical mental health counseling with an emphasis on somatic psychology. Kyle's clinical background in mental health consists of working with at-risk teenagers in crisis and with individuals experiencing an early-episode of psychosis and providing counseling to undergraduate/graduate students in a university setting.
Featuring expert interviews with
Laura Mae Northru, MFT
Joe Tafur, MD
Deanna Rogers
Gita Vaid, MD
Scott Hill, PhD
Jessica DiRuzza, MFT
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 7 days and we will give you a full refund.
Yes! When you enroll in the course, you will get full access to videos to watch at your own time or at a later date.
Get Started, Enroll Today!
Self Paced Course
$67 USD + Tax
Go at your own pace, enroll anytime you wish.
This course in no way promotes, condones, or facilitates illegal activity. This course is strictly for educational purposes only. Please be aware that most psychedelic substances are illegal in many countries. By enrolling into this program, you are agreeing that Psychedelics Today takes no responsibilities for your actions.
This course does not provide credentials or training for therapists, coaches, and clinicians to provide psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy services. Largely these services are illegal.
Informed Consent
Please be aware that this course is for educational purposes only. This is not a substitute for traditional psychotherapy or medicine. This course is designed to provide education from our personal and professional experiences. If you are experiencing significant issues, please seek medical attention.
Limitations of course
The exercises in this course are oriented towards personal and spiritual development. The techniques or modalities are in no way a replacement for traditional therapy. Much of the information in this course could be applied to your on-going therapy, if you are currently utilizing mental health services.
We believe that providing education, peer-support, and harm reduction is important for this field.
Again, this course also does not train/certify therapists, clinicians, or coaches to provide/facilitate illegal activities.
By enrolling in this course, you are agreeing that you understand the purpose and limitations of this course.
Looking forward to taking this journey with you!