Spiritual Emergence or Psychosis: An introduction to spiritual emergence and spiritual emergencies
What is Spiritual Emergence or Psychosis: An introduction to spiritual emergence and spiritual emergencies
Are you a mental health worker who works with people experiencing extreme states of consciousness? Have you personally had an "awakening" experience either spontaneously or through plant medicine, yoga, breath work, or any other personal development technique? Or are you just interested in learning about alternative approaches to mental health? This webinar is an excellent introduction for those interested in the risks and benefits of working with non-ordinary states of consciousness.
Join Kyle Buller and Michelle Hobart, MA for a discussion about the concept of spiritual emergence(y) and mental health. We will explore what this means and some alternative treatment options that may be available. Kyle and Michelle are both spiritual emergence coaches via Integrative Mental Health for You by Emma Bragdon, Ph.D.
The term "spiritual emergency" was coined by Stanislav and Christina Grof. The term, as the Grof's mention, is a play on words. The word "emergency" suggests a psychological or spiritual crisis, but it also hints towards an opportunity to "emerge" from the crisis -- accessing and gaining a higher level of spiritual and psychological awareness

What will you learn
What is schizophrenia and psychosis
Alternative ways to view mental health issues
The difference between spiritual emergence and spiritual emergency
Past/present treatment options for someone experiencing "extreme states" or a spiritual emergence
Resources on spiritual emergence
Student Financial Assistance
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Meet your Facilitators
Michelle holds a BS in Biology, and an MA in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness. Currently, she is doing coursework in Integral Counseling Psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies. Michelle is an advocate for the Neurodiversity movement and a certified Spiritual Emergence Coach.
Kyle earned his M.S. in clinical mental health counseling with an emphasis on somatic psychology. Kyle's clinical background in mental health consists of working with at-risk teenagers in crisis and with individuals experiencing an early-episode of psychosis and providing counseling to undergraduate/graduate students in a university setting.
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This course in no way promotes, condones, or facilitates illegal activity. This course is strictly for educational purposes only. Please be aware that most psychedelic substances are illegal in many countries. By enrolling into this program, you are agreeing that Psychedelics Today takes no responsibilities for your actions.
This course does not provide credentials or training for therapists, coaches, and clinicians to provide psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy services. Largely these services are illegal.
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Please be aware that this course is for educational purposes only. This is not a substitute for traditional psychotherapy or medicine. This course is designed to provide education from our personal and professional experiences. If you are experiencing significant issues, please seek medical attention.
Limitations of course
The exercises in this course are oriented towards personal and spiritual development. The techniques or modalities are in no way a replacement for traditional therapy. Much of the information in this course could be applied to your on-going therapy, if you are currently utilizing mental health services.
We believe that providing education, peer-support, and harm reduction is important for this field.
Again, this course also does not train/certify therapists, clinicians, or coaches to provide/facilitate illegal activities.
By enrolling in this course, you are agreeing that you understand the purpose and limitations of this course.
Looking forward to taking this journey with you!